Reaching Patients where they are.

Digital Strategies for Decentralized Health Campaigns.

At CENTRICIA, we specialize in effective digital strategies for research health campaigns reaching diverse population groups - CentricHEALTH.

Contact us for a Consultation

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OOH Digital

Connected TV


Streaming Audio

Health Audience Segments and Publishers

CentricHEALTH has access to over 50,000 premium audience segments around the globe including health audiences.  We highly personalize the ad messages to reach these segments increasing  indication and study awareness and calls to take action.

Precise Targeting

Reach potential participants and patients where they are by exact location, day and time, interests and demographics

Campaign Safety

We use Pixalate and DoubleVerify technology preventing invalid traffic across CTV, video, display, and in-app and comprehensive post-bid coverage to drive the efficiency of campaign performance.

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